Monday, April 28, 2008

Tricky Child

I have some other things I was planning on posting, and they're probably more interesting, but I really wanted to tell this story. It took place when I was in grade 3, if I remember correctly.
I was just goofing around with a friend, and I fell over, and while falling, I grabbed for a desk. Unfortunately, I only ended up pushing the desk. There was a girl sitting right in front of the desk, and it hit her in the back. She started crying, and the teacher sent me down the the office. Now, being in grade 3, I immediately did as she said, and started feeling terrible. I began to think of the possible consequences. "I'm going to be grounded for the rest of my life! Dad's gonna throw me through a window! Mr. Koehn is going to break my knees! Maybe he'll call home and I'll get expelled!"
Anyways, as I came to the office, I saw Mr. Koehn just sitting there, in his little room. I walked in, sniffling, and he immediately donned his 'angry principal' face, glaring down at me. He asked, in his gruffest, most intimidating voice "What did you do, Josh?"
I responded in the biggest voice I could make "I hit someone with a desk by accident"
He didn't seem to be so worried about my emotional state, as he only asked about how the girl was feeling. Then he told me "By tomorrow, I want you to have 'I will be more careful in my class because people might get hurt' 20 times. Then at the bottom, I want your mom's signature."
This here was the worst part of the punishment. I'd take 100 un-signed lines over 20 lines and a signature. I was dead. There was no way out. I'd have to write the lines, then tell my parents, and I was going to get shot.
When I got home, I was just about to spill the beans, when I thought of an ingenious plan. Instead of getting the signature after my lines were done, I'd get it before they were done, and do the lines after! But how could I work that out?
Being the smart child I was, I thought of an idea.
I sauntered upstairs, pretended like nothing at all happened, and then went into my room. I got a piece of paper out of my notebook, and brought it to my mom. "Hey mom, can I have your autograph? I want to compare it to mine!"
I had written my signature close to the bottom of the page, and she wrote hers directly underneath. Then I said something to the effect of "Wow, they're so similar! Maybe it's hereditary!" Okay, so maybe I didn't say 'hereditary,' but something like that. Then I innocently walked back to my room, and slowly wrote the lines, making sure not to make any mistakes, so I could avoid having to think of something incredibly witty to get my mom's signature again.
The next day, I proudly showed the lines to Mr. Koehn, and he looked at them, then took the paper and threw it into the trash. Then he told me "Now Josh, I guess you had a talk with your mom so I'll make this short. Make sure to be more careful in school, because you could hurt someone very badly if you aren't careful."
Sneakily, I pretended to be remembering a horrible experience or something, and he just let me go to class.
Wasn't I a tricky child?

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