You know, Blogger is pretty much the best type of blog EVER...
But then again, I already have a blog...
But yet again, it is only accessable by people who are a member of my correspondance school.
It is a hard decision. I don't really want to switch to Blogger, because I have so many people who read my other one...But I want to switch to Blogger because it is so much better, and also viewable by everyone. Another idea is that I put my posts on my current blog, and also this blog. That idea basically sucks, but I might just have to do it. I will think about it later. Right now I have some homework to avoid. *Stealth mode activated*
I just couldn't bear to see my blog be empty for a full year.
Blogger > CoNNect
yeah, man. and CoNNect > LiveJournal or whatever its called. and...
Josh > Everyone
of course nadia, with her narcissism will say Nadia > Josh, but that really isn't true. *flexes muscles* see? =D
Haha well I just can't compete with that. :(
you could go all nunchuck on my arse...but I wouldn't appreciate that very much, thank you :)
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